Wednesday, April 15, 2009


If there is something I can do to help you, I do. I don't add up what that means to me. I don't figure my cut or how much I stand to loose . I believe, instead, that by helping you I'm helping myself. Good given = good received.

I imagine us on a raft, floating along together, each of us assisting the other. Happy and content in the knowledge that we are there to support each other. If something is better for you than for me - yours! If something is better for me than for you - mine! And all the rest we share.

But you aren't sharing. You fight to keep control of everything. By holding on so tightly, you are losing much more than you are keeping. Opportunities you can't imagine are moving past you as if you are a rock in river.

I imagine a time when you realize there is more in front of you than what you think you see. I imagine your respect - for me - for others. I imagine you giving without thinking of it as loss. I imagine not needing to untie the knot.

But I know I can't stay tethered to you as you are now.

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