Thursday, February 19, 2009

The way it wasn't

You loved him for who you thought he was.
You planned your wedding, named your children.

You photographed yourself as if you were looking into your future as his one and only, as if wanting it more than anything could make it real. You wished as if God was only granting one wish to one girl and that girl had to be you because you above all other girls deserved it. You deserved him. You were meant to be with him. Him. Him. Him.

If he was the person you thought he was, wouldn't he be with you now?
Wouldn't he be holding you at night and saying a million I love yous?

If he was the person you thought he was, wouldn't he have been with you then? Wouldn't he have met you in person, even once?

Maybe he really was that person.
Just not yours.